When In Paris… MT Travel Photographer
Mr. Geary and I recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. In Europe. Ahhhh someone please pinch me!
And while the adventures and hundreds of photos are to come still, there is one moment that will remain with me forever. Standing in Champs de Mars with my love and my camera, at twilight, watching as the Eiffel Tower lights up for the night. Among hundreds of other people, including couples with only a cell phone camera.
What is a girl like me to do?

Father and Son’s First Portrait
I adore this photo SO MUCH! The tenderness in which daddy holds his new little 8 day-old baby… his facial expression as he watches baby’s. He is trying to tell him something. I can almost hear it! And the gentle baby yawn without a care in the world, somehow knowing he is safe.
So pure, innocent and defenseless, in the loving arms of his father. That’s it. It reminds me of the love of God.
Sleeping Newborns
Sleeping Newborns, the purest form of innocence… But what is it that really makes us unable to turn away and simply stare at them while our hearts melt away?
Must be those cute little piggies! You know, the ones that went to the market, the ones that stayed home…